
Tip: If you’re a newbie Mac user, it’s easy to get confused with all of the different Mac stuff out there. It’s not hard to feel what you are feeling, as I was once your age. I didn’t understand my Mac at all, when all of a sudden it would crash and I had to restart. That was my first reaction. Now that I’ve mastered the various ways on how to clean my Mac, I don’t have these problems anymore.

Tip: As a new Mac user it is easy to be ambivalent toward all Mac-related stuff. It’s a good idea to learn more about the Macworld before you start cleaning up and have a 10 deposit bonus optimizing your Mac’s speed. You should be aware of the fact that Mac OS has existed since the 80s. You should also keep in mind that older Macs may be affected by bugs, which can cause slowdowns and decreases in speed. So, to prevent such problems from occurring, there are several simple and easy steps you can take to clean your Mac.

Tip: It is important to not remove your most used and favorite programs from your Mac when cleaning it. You can end up with a lot more “empty space” in your main memory. It slows down the speed of your Mac’s main memory, and takes away its ability to scan the contents quickly. So, to speed up my Mac, I always delete apps that are not in use a specific app often. Also, I make sure that I don’t store lots of data in my Mac registry because this also adds a lot of extra unnecessary space that my Mac doesn’t have any room for.